Should you take Home Loan

Loans are a bit skeptic thing in Indian terrain. In the old days, people use to pledge their precious belongings for a small loan amount to meet their dire needs but was never able to gain back their belongings even after years of payments. People with old mindset...
How to maintain a good Credit Score

How to maintain a good Credit Score

Credit scores play a vital role in getting a loan sanction, and would also impact the interest rates at which the loan shall be sanctioned. Hence if you are looking to take up a loan or your personal business finances depend on short term loans then one must keep a...
Home Loan for Purchase of Plot

Home Loan for Purchase of Plot

What is a Land Loan? Many of us don’t know that land loans are available in the market and only know about home and associated loans. However, most of the financial institutions to provide loan on land purchase as well. The underwriting and procedure for a home...
Mistakes to avoid before taking a loan

Mistakes to avoid before taking a loan

We often think that taking a home loan will help us relieve us of all our pains of renting a house. However, this may not be true in most of the cases. Most of the fiscal policies levied by government are to boost the demand of falling demand for houses in the...